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  • Seeking the Lord’s will and leading.

  • Striving to be servant-minded leaders. 

  • Serving others as Jesus taught.



Be a sustainable, transparent, and responsible donor-supported organization. 

Play a key role in bringing the people of Ukraine into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and help introduce them to our Father in Heaven, making disciples, changing lives, and bringing hope and a future.

Support our partner ministries, leaders, and individuals in Ukraine helping them reach and introduce people living under the influence of spiritual fatherlessness and orphanism to our Father in Heaven.



Growth and focus that honors our Father in Heaven while caring for others.


At Twelve3One Ministries, our vision is to grow a spirit-led, responsible, and transparent charitable organization focused on ending spiritual fatherlessness and orphanism wherever we encounter it while honoring our heavenly Father, and caring for the spiritual well-being of our board, partners, ministry friends, and the people they serve.



Ending Spiritual Fatherlessness and Orphanism in Ukraine.


At Twelve3One Ministries, we aim to end spiritual fatherlessness and orphanism by introducing people to their Father in Heaven. We partner with other ministries, churches, organizations, and ministry leaders serving fatherless children, adults, and families. 

By offering financial support and resources we help these boots-on-the-ground ministries achieve their mission and ministry goals and help facilitate and expedite the sharing of the Gospel.



Bringing hope and a future to hurting people.


Our mission at Twelve3One Ministries is to create and cultivate a spirit-led, responsible, transparent, charitable organization by developing relationship-based financial partnerships and spiritual fellowships that support selected congregations, ministries, leaders, and individuals in Ukraine who share the gospel and introduce hurting people to our Father in Heaven, work to end spiritual orphanism, make disciples, and bring hope and a future to hurting people.


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